Lourdes 2022

This year was a joyous occasion for the Order of Malta as it marked its 64th annual pilgrimage to Lourdes after a 2 year pause due to the pandemic.
Whilst Covid restrictions prevented the Hong Kong Association from travelling this year, HKAOM President Desiree Jebsen and I joined the the first large scale group of 3100 pilgrims from 31 countries -including 500 Malades (French term for sick patients )- to return to Lourdes since 2019.
This special pilgrimage always deepens my understanding of the universality and global reach of the Order in carrying out its mission of care.
Desiree and I were warmly invited by the 11 members of the Australian Association to join in all of their events, bringing back fond memories of the time when we were still part of their Association.
I teamed up with the Australians in providing support to the Malades of other Associations.
It was a privilege to once again take part in this uplifting gathering of spiritual renewal and interaction with our fellow pilgrims.
HKAOM members will not miss out on an opportunity for spiritual renewal and duty of care for the Malades as we will host our very own pilgrimage in HK on 11 November,2022. Watch this space for more details.
Esmeralda Moreno Yau
Communications Delegate