For the 4th year in a row, the Hong Kong Country Club has hosted our No Limits Social Club Christmas Party again for the young people with disabilities (guests) on 7 December, 2024. Over 46 guests and volunteers joined this fun day with various sport activities such as the must-have Croquet, fun bowling and a […]
The Spirit of Christmas is here! We can see the beautiful Christmas Displays and Décor everywhere in Hong Kong’s shopping malls. We took this opportunity to take some students from Caritas Lok Yi School and their parents to City Plaza in Taikooshing for a tour on 4 December. Many of these students were so fascinated […]
Since our very first and successful Asia Pacific Youth Camp in Hong Kong, the Order of Malta Hong Kong (OMHK) decided to bring this life-changing adventure to students with special education needs from Caritas Lok Yi School on 16 November, 2024. The Day Camp was held at the Jockey Club PHAB Camp in Pok Fu […]
Following the success of the inaugual Order of Malta Hong Kong (OMHK)Local Pilgrimage in 2022, this spiritual activity has become a significant annual event for its members, volunteers and the malades. Mrs. Desiree Jebsen, President of OMHK, led a team of 10 volunteers on October 25 to assist 4 Malades, who were students with special […]