The 4th Asia Pacific Summer Camp for Disabled Youth in Pattaya, Thailand, with the theme “Empowering Abilities,” was a special event for four young adults from Hong Kong, members of the No Limits Social Club. Accompanied by three volunteers, Amanda, Bruno, and Sophie (the Hospitaller of Hong Kong Association of the Order of Malta) they […]
On August 24, 2024, we again partnered with Saint Jude’s Church, Caritas Hong Kong, the De La Salle Brothersto organise an Open Day to celebrate the new School Term. To celebrate this special occasion, our President, Mrs. Desiree Jebsen led 3 members and 10 volunteers to join this ceremony. This will be the second year […]
Last 17 July, 20 volunteers from JP Morgan Chase were gathering in the Hall to celebrate with 40 boarding students of Caritas Lok Yi School for the End of School Term. Some of the students were so excited to see the familiar faces of the volunteers. The volunteers from JP Morgan Chase, such as Xavier, […]
To celebrate the end of our first year of the Homework and Horizon Club, The Order of Malta Hong Kong jointly organized the Ceremony with Caritas on July 6, 2024, at the Saint Jude’s Church in North Point. Our students from Horizon Club sang a beautiful song, “Give Thanks!” dedicated to all teachers and volunteers. […]