Sweet Moments in the time of COVID-19

COVID-19 has abruptly removed the normal sources of human connections for many students with special needs. It has been over a month since most of them are forced to stay home, missing important opportunities to interact with classmates, friends and teachers. The situation is particularly challenging for a small number of boarding students with special education needs at the Lok Yi School who must stay at the school and are unable to return home.
To ensure their safety during the pandemic, the Lok Yi School has been closed for the last 10 weeks; the students therefore have no chance to meet anyone from outside because visitors are also not allowed. It is very difficult for these young people who must feel quite isolated. Order of Malta member and Lok Yi School Project Leader, Vivian Mock, donated boxes of cookies and hand sanitizing gel to everyone in lockdown at the School, to remind them that each of them is cared for and appreciated. The School’s Warden, Antonia, warmly replied and said “we are grateful for your generous support and remembering our students who are facing a huge challenge from social isolation during the time of COVID-19. Our students will be so happy when they see the lovely cookies that will bring them sweet memories!”