Computer Genius Day provides computer knowledge to families

Our Flying Young – Horizon Club (formerly named as Computer Club) wrapped up this school term with its last class on July 30, 2023. Instead of hosting the class online, we hosted an in-person Computer Workshop at the Caritas Community Center in Ngau Tau Kok for 24 children of low-income families. Before the class started, we also prepared some Certificates to acknowledge the outstanding performance of the students. Our Flying Young Committee member and volunteer, Alex Berry, handed out the Certificates to the students. It was truly a heart-warming moment to see how these students strived for their best in our classes.
Alex said, “We’re so proud of all the hard work that’s been done by the children in the Horizon Club! It was great to be able to congratulate them in person and hand them their certificates.”
To help the children and parents learn about the different components of a computer and get to know more about their digital devices, our two talented volunteers, Hugo Wong and Dylan Kwong, were the teachers at the Computer Workshop. They first dissembled an old desktop computer to show the class the different components of a computer to the children and parents. As we watched Hugo put the different parts back to the main compartment of the computer, he and Dylan explained how each component works for the computer. Finally, Hugo turned on the computer, the computer’s light was turned on and the screen displayed a Window logo. It was running perfectly well, and we felt like watching a magic show. During the class, the children and parents were intrigued with the knowledge about how computer works and they asked many relevant and practical questions such as how to recover lost photos from your mobile phone and what are the differences between iPad and laptop, etc.
Hugo said, “It was kind of funny to see the mothers asked more questions than the children. Many mothers showed their interest in knowing more about the IT aspects!”
At the same time, the staff of Caritas Community Center helped us distribute 39 Chromebooks which we have previously rented to 39 families for free so the children could use it for the school. Instead of continuing the rental arrangement, we had donated the laptops to the families so the children can continue to use them for lessons and schoolwork.
Please stay tuned for the next events!