Teach the elderly people a new and fun sport!

Participation in sports regularly is important to many of us, particularly to the older adults. Many elderly people love to do exercise and participate in sport. However, due to lack of the knowledge in sport, they might be hesitated to participate in any sport. To renew the youthfulness of the older adults, Project Leaders of Flying Seniors, Ambrose Ng and Teresa Lo, organized a Sport Day for the elderly friends. They also invited the students of Raimondi College, to join the Sport Day. In collaboration with the social workers of the Western District Elderly Center, we have arranged two sport instructors from the Newly Emerged Sport Association to teach our elderly friends to play a new sport namely, Mölkky, originally from Finland.
On July 8, there were 8 volunteers and 9 students joined together with the elderly friends to learn and play this new sport. Although it might be new to some of us, it is not new to the students who already learnt it in the school. Helping to break the ice, the students had prepared a fun ice-breaking game “Guess the Leader” for all of us. The older adults were initially a bit shy to take the Leader’s role. After playing a few rounds, we all warmed up and became more active in playing the game.
After the warm-up game, the instructors split the elderly friends and volunteers into two groups. Each group will then be divided into two teams and played against each other. The first team who achieved the maximum 50 points will be the winner. They would use a wooden stick to hit the skittles (wooden blocks with a number on them). After the skittles being hit and fallen down, the team will get the points and then put the skittles back to the starting point. After acquired the techniques, everyone started to put on the battle mode and played with the game with high spirit.
Mr. Woo, Teacher of Raimondi College, said, “I am so happy to see the students mingled so well with the elderly friends and they all enjoyed playing the games.”