Talk Time: Tour to Hong Kong Palace Museum

Hong Kong Palace Museum opened in Hong Kong in July. Project Leader, Whitney Ferrare and 3 volunteers, organised a visit to the recently opened Hong Kong Palace Museum for 14 laryngectomees and their families last December 8.
The Museum had arranged a brilliant eye-opening tour for us with Jaclyn a museum guide. The visit began at the Exhibition Hall with the theme “Entering the Forbidden City: Architecture, Collection and Heritage”. We were spellbound by Jaclyn’s stories of the daily life of a Chinese Emperor as we admired the imperial golden vintage, the exquisitely painted dining ware, the richly embroidered Emperor’s coat, his Decree and many more special collections.
Cobbie, the Acting Chief Executive of the New Voice Club of Hong Kong, said, “Our participants very much appreciated the arrangements made by the Hong Kong Association of the Order of Malta and very much enjoyed this special tour at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.” Our volunteers were equally delighted.
We extend our thanks to Whitney for coordinating and sponsoring this wonderful event which proved the words of our Hospitaller Sophie Mensdorff who said, “Volunteering does not necessarily have to be hard. It is something we can enjoy together. It’s about creating a community!”