Special Christmas Party for young people with disabilities
The No Limits Social Club marked the start of the festive season with a special Christmas party at the Hong Kong Country Club on December 4, 2021 for 20 young people with disabilities and 21 volunteers.
A private coach picked up our special guests and volunteers so that everyone could gather at the beautiful green lawn of the Club by 9:30 a.m.. Project Leaders Alfons and Sophie Mensdorff-Pouilly divided the guests and volunteers into 4 teams. The teams competed in three outdoor activities (archery, croquet and board games) and one indoor activity (bowling) with each team aiming to win the highest points.
After the excitement of the games, the party moved to a private room for some rest. However, the moment was short lived because the group, led by Alfons, enthusiastically launched into an animated game of Bingo with great prizes at stake! Sophie then took over with some Christmas carolling to get everyone into the Christmas spirit before the lunch.
The highlight of the delicious buffet lunch which everyone enjoyed was not the food but the appearance of a very special guest – none other than Santa Claus himself, carrying a bag full of presents. The party ended in the Christmas spirit of love and giving.
Sophie said, “We are lucky that the Country Club once again gave us access to their beautiful space. We were able to welcome lots of new guests for this event which shows us that the word has spread and that our events are popular. I think we succeeded in making this a memorable day for our guests, their parents and carers by making them feel important, wanted and special during this holiday season. I’m grateful to our group of wonderful volunteers who gave their time to make it happen!”
One of the guest’s mom, Vivien said “Charles hasn’t gone to any events since the outbreak of the pandemic. We are so grateful for this event. Charles asked me if he could join again next year!”
Another guest’s mother, Esther, said, “A big thank you to all of you for the wonderful Christmas Party. Jessica enjoyed it very much especially she didn’t have a chance to see Santa Claus last year!”