Magical time for young people with disabilities

A decrease in local COVID-19 cases allowed Alfons and Sophie Mensdorff-Pouilly, Project Leaders for the No Limits Social Club, to host a magical event last July 3 with professional magician, Johnny from KNJ Entertainment.
Ably assisted by 23 volunteers and 11 Raimondi College students, Johnny performed for our special guests, 14 young people with disabilities. Aside from delighting the audience with card tricks, he invited our young guests to perform with him on stage for some disappearing water and chopping hand tricks.
After the breath-taking performance, Johnny shared the secrets behind his card tricks! After being divided into teams, the young guests and volunteers were given the chance to perform their new found skill on stage.
The dancing fever wrapped up with the popular dance song, “YMCA”. There was so much joy in the room!
One of the guests, Simon, said, “Thank you for organising this Magic Party for us! I enjoyed the magic and the dancing very much.”

Project leaders with the three cardistry experts!