Fun Basketball Game for Flying Young Children

A good workout program for children is important but the cost may not always be affordable. Our Project Leader, Marina Coghill, invited popular Basketball Coach, William Lo, for a free basketball training session last May 28, 2023. Thirteen Flying Young children and four volunteers eagerly gathered at the spacious and well-equipped Strive Fitness studio for an afternoon of basketball and fitness training.
After the warm up exercises, the children were divided into three competing teams where they tried out their newly acquired basketball skills. After some exciting competition, the exhausted and hungry children were more than ready for the pizza and drinks we had prepared for them.
Marina said, “We are thankful to the volunteers for their help at this great basketball event sponsored by Strive Fitness. I think the kids loved it and the coach was so nice and inspirational. I hope we can go back and do more events with Strive!”