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Hong Kong 香港

Order of Malta

Hospitaller Works

  • 11/07/2024

    Celebration of the End of School Term

    To celebrate the end of our first year of the Homework and Horizon Club, The Order of Malta Hong Kong jointly organized the Ceremony with Caritas on July 6, 2024, at the Saint Jude’s Church in North Point. Our students from Horizon Club sang a beautiful song, “Give Thanks!” dedicated to all teachers and volunteers. […]

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  • 09/07/2024

    Volunteers and elderly friends get ready for Olympic Games

    Olympic Games 2024 is fast approaching. To help our Seniors to get ready for the world’s greatest sporting event, our Project Leaders of Flying Seniors, Ambrose Ng and Teresa Lo, invited the students from Raimondi College, to join a fun Sport Day with the elderly guests at the Western District Elderly Center on July 6, […]

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  • 17/06/2024

    Fun time for students with special education needs

    Given love and care, students with special education needs can also have lots of fun in the rainy season.  The Order of Malta Hong Kong volunteers again in collaboration with the volunteer team from JP Morgan Chase to spend a fun and happy evening on 12 June with the students from Caritas Lok Yi School. […]

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  • 10/04/2024

    Fun Expressive Arts Workshop for young people with disabilities

    No Limits Social Club organized the Fun Expressive Arts Workshop for young people with disabilities (guests) for the third time on April 6 at the Methodist International Church.  Again, we invited Derek Lum, an Expressive Arts Specialist, who designed various movements and artistic formats to teach the 14 guests and, our 10 volunteers from JP […]

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  • 22/03/2024

    Easter Party for students with special education needs

    Easter is one of the festivals children love to celebrate.  For children with special education needs, the Easter Party always draws their attention with colourful Easter eggs and toys.  To bring joy and love to the boarding students at Caritas Lok Yi School, the President of the Order of Malta Hong Kong, Desiree Jebsen, and […]

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  • 29/02/2024

    Take the youth with disabilities and their families to AIA Carnival

    Helping the young people with disabilities (guests) gain interpersonal relationship and overcome life challenges, No Limits Social Club often organized various kind of fun activities for them.  On February 24, Sophie Mensdorff-Pouilly, Project Leader, invited over 40 guests and their families to AIA Carnival held in Central.  Ten volunteers of the Order of Malta Hong […]

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Order of Malta

Hong Kong