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Hong Kong 香港

Order of Malta

Hospitaller Activities

  • 09/07/2024

    Volunteers and elderly friends get ready for Olympic Games

    Olympic Games 2024 is fast approaching. To help our Seniors to get ready for the world’s greatest sporting event, our Project Leaders of Flying Seniors, Ambrose Ng and Teresa Lo, invited the students from Raimondi College, to join a fun Sport Day with the elderly guests at the Western District Elderly Center on July 6, […]

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  • 26/01/2024

    Pizza Making Workshop organised for the children of Horizon Club

    On 21 January 2024, 13 volunteers accompanied 14 children of Horizon Club to join a Pizza Making Workshop at BACI Trattoria-Bar in Central.  Thanks to Charmaine Lau, Group HR and Administration Director of Lan Kwai Fong Group, who designed and planned this wonderful pizza-making experience for the children.  She invited Roberto Marchi, Chef of BACI […]

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  • 23/06/2023

    Expressive Art Workshop for parents and children

    Many health studies such as research from the World Health Organization have shown that COVID-19 and related public health measures have dramatic impact on the children’s mental health such as anxiety and depression.  Mental health is as important as child’s safety and wellbeing. To address this aggregating issue, we collaborated with the Hong Kong Expressive […]

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  • 08/06/2023

    Fun Basketball Game for Flying Young Children

    A good workout program for children is important but the cost may not always be affordable.  Our Project Leader, Marina Coghill, invited popular Basketball Coach, William Lo, for a free basketball training session last May 28, 2023.  Thirteen Flying Young children and four volunteers eagerly gathered at the spacious and well-equipped Strive Fitness studio for […]

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  • 14/02/2023

    No Limits Social Club organizes a fun dance workshop

    Dancing is an enjoyable activity loved by everyone – from toddlers to 80 years old seniors to young people with disabilities.  Our young guests especially love dancing because it allows them to freely express pent-up emotions, break barriers and create social connections. Bearing all these positive attributes in mind, Hospitaller and Project Leader Sophie Mensdorff […]

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  • 28/05/2022

    The No Limits Social Club celebrates Youth Day online

    It has been 4 months since the No Limits Social Club held its last in-person gathering. Project Leaders Sophie and Alfons decided that the ongoing pandemic shouldn‘t stop the partying and last May 4, an online Youth Day celebration was held with 12 young guests and 5 volunteers. Our young friends were very much looking […]

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  • 26/04/2022

    Deliver COVID-19 Relief Packs to Elderly

    During the 5th wave of pandemic, most of the service and recreation centers for the elderly were closed, severely impacting the well-being of the seniors. To help ease their hardship, our project leaders, Ambrose Ng and Teresa Lo, organised a third round of home delivery service for the elderly in the Western District last April […]

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Order of Malta

Hong Kong